After waking up in Woodward, Oklahoma, I decided to head Southeast to where the storms were forecasted to be severe later in the day. Around noon some storms fired and slowly died off just east of Stillwater. Nothing doing in Northern OK. So I instead I headed down to chase a mature cell that was already producing tornadoes near the TX/OK border.
I navigated my way through a sliver of dry weather between the tornadic cell I was trying to get in front of and the lines of storms just to its north. Took a few hours to get into position. When I did I was in the middle of SE Oklahoma where it’s anything but flat. Lots of trees, pretty area, bad for chasing. But I raced ahead of the storm to Sardis Lake where the hook of the storm was headed. There is where I set up shop and watched the base of the storm roll overhead.
There may have been a short-lived tornado in there when it passed by the lake ’cause later I saw fallen trees and debris on the roads it crossed over… but regardless, nice to see some good storm structure and an ominous rotating wall cloud.
- Tornadic supercell at Sardis Lake near Clayton, OK
- Sardis Lake (Wide View)